I wanted to email you today to give you a heads up on what your students will be learning in the next few weeks and how you can help your students at home as well. The new series that we are starting is called "On the Lot".
Many families have a Bible somewhere in the house. As the #1 Bestseller year after year, the Bible has the special distinction of being one of the most commonly owned books. Many people feel like they should have one around, but the question many of us wonder is, "What do we do with it?" Reading it can seem like a daunting task sometimes. We might feel like it is the spiritual homework we never understand or never get around to. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking with your student about one way to approach Scripture that will bring freedom and life change. A way that will bring the words they read to life.
Week One- Lights! - February 13, 2007
Have you ever tried to read the Bible? What are some of the obstacles you faced? Maybe the language was too difficult, or the passages were too long or you just simply couldn't find the time. This week we will be looking at those very real obstacles and working out a new way of reading the Bible. A way that will break down Scripture into manageable pieces in a way that will let God's Word act as a light for our path, illuminating each day.
Week Two- Camera! - February 20, 2007
Knowing is half the battle. But what is the other half? This week we will be looking at the next step in the process of handling God's Word because reading it for information is so short of what it can be. Students will be challenged to use the Bible as a mirror to see into their own lives and begin to make changes in the way they live.
Week Three- Action! - February 27, 2007
"Don't tell me what to do!" Is there anyone alive who hasn't said, or at least thought, these words? This week we will be looking at one of the greatest obstacles to putting Scripture in action. We do not want anyone to tell us how to live—even if it is God. This week, students will be challenged to redefine freedom so that they begin to see how sometimes rules that restrict their choices initially, actually set them free in the long run.
As always, if there is anything that I can do to help you or your student please let me know. I look forward to what God has in store for Ignite Student Ministry. Know that as a parent, you are greatly appreciated.
Press On,
Shelby Craig
Student Minister
Rock Springs Church
Sounds like I need to come to the 'on the Lot' series.
Its great to have you back!