I love the idea of a methodized way of teaching my children about our beliefs, but don't want it to be something that they just memorize and spit back by rote.
I want my girls to have a Christian worldview...to know that the way we live is because of how we believe.
This book teaches catechism questions (Who made you? God. What else did God make? God made all things. Why did God make you and all things? For His glory. etc....), but then has a practical story related to the questions. It really does a great job of translating the learning of facts to a worldview.
The target age for this book is probably 4-7, but Emily (2) loves it and I really think it could be used effectively up to like 9 or 10 as well.
And it is also TOO cute to hear Becca (17 months old) say "Ga" when you ask her "Who made you?".
Click here to read more about or order the book on Amazon.