Do you ever feel like that? Sometimes I feel like I'm on a runaway train that's getting faster and faster. I see the caution signs that say curves, intersections, and bumps are ahead. But I can't do anything about it.
That's exactly how I feel about parenting some days....ok, most days....ok, ok, every day!
Time is going SO fast, and I feel helpless to slow it down.
The sad part is though, I'm often the cause of it going so fast. I'm constantly wishing time away. I can't wait until the weekend. I can't wait until vacation. I can't wait until the kids start school. I can't wait until they can drive themselves to school. I can't wait until they're all potty trained. I can't wait until she can talk. I can't wait until the baby's walking. I can't wait until the baby sleeps through the night. On and on....I can't wait.....I can't wait....I can't wait!
Then I stop and look back. Oh they grow up SO fast.
God, forgive me for wishing away time. Help me to cherish each and every minute you've given me with these precious girls. Help me to enjoy the curves, intersections, and even the bumps Lord. Thank you for making me a mommy, and help me to be the mommy you want me to be.