Chad has been attending RSC for several years now and before he began serving in the Ignite student ministry, he was a part of it. He currently leads a boys small group on Wednesday nights, helps Shelby with MediaShout and anywhere else he may need assistance. He is an incredible leader who is ready and willing to serve God anywhere, anyhow. He relates well to the boys he leads and can often be found hanging out with them and encouraging those friendships. Thank you Chad for all you do! We're excited to have you serving on our team.
Featured Content
Subtle PG-13 Lies
It's always interesting to see what films draw teenagers. A year ago, Juno was the hottest thing. Last fall it was Twilight. So what film has their attention now?
Last Tuesday a film was released that I predict will be one of the next cult classics of this generation. The film is Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Like Juno and Twilight, the film has a PG-13 rating. But this is one PG-13 film that has me wondering what the MPAA is smoking.
The Parent Avenue
Our Inspiration
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
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The views and opinions expressed on this blog do not represent the views or opinions of Rock Springs Church or any other organization that we represent.
Heidi Binder
Heidi is the director of Family Ministries at RSC. Her tender heart and passion for your children is amazing. She is the mother of two boys, Caiden (3) and Dawson (1). She also blogs at Losing It All (
Carrie Jerkins
Carrie is the mother of three girls, Mara (4), Emily (2), and Becca (1). Her home is filled with all things girly...hairbows, tutus, and baby dolls. She is the Kid's Klub coordinator (birth - pre-K) at RSC. She also blogs at Three-Girl Circus (
Lesley Warta
Lesley is the mother of three boys, Isaac (8), Caleb (6), and Eli (3). Homeschooling, baseball, and boy-energy keep her on her toes...and those toes are busy! She is the Zone coordinator (K- 5th grade) at RSC. And she really needs to start her own blog so you can read that too.
Shelby Craig
Shelby has been on staff at Rock Springs since 2004 as the Student Minister. Shelby is in Seminary at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary pursuing a Masters in Youth Ministry. He is married to his best friend and help mate ,Jennifer Craig. They have been married since August of 2005. Shelby's creativity, passion, and enthusiasm help the students see the Wonder of who God really is, Discover who they are, and to have Passion to change the world.
Blog Archive
- Volunteer of the Day - Cassidy Derr
- Volunteer of the Day - Chad Christian
- Volunteers of the Day - Nina Wildes & Katie Gyalog
- Volunteers of the Day - Ted & Shelly Leaver
- Volunteers of the Day - The Holweger's
- Volunteer of the Day - Suzanne Bryles
- Volunteer of the Day - Jennifer Craig
- Volunteer of the Day - Michelle Reid
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warrick's
- 'Sexting': Do you know what's on your kids cell ph...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Moore's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Hodge's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Crye's
- New Year, New Look!
- Volunteer of the Day - Jennifer Phillips
- Volunteers of the Day - Karin Sporer & Mariah Sporer
- Volunteer of the Day - Linda Mabry
- Your Role as Your Teen’s Spiritual Mentor
- Volunteer of the Day - Rebecca Von Loewe
- A Poll for you!
- Volunteer of the Day - Christina Rodriguez
- Volunteer of the Day - Janet Knorp
- Volunteers of the Day - The Bloodworth's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Dillard's
- Happy Blog Birthday to us!
- Volunteer of the Day - Dorothy Cross
- Volunteers of the Day - Katlyn Krueger & Gwen McNeese
- Volunteers of the Day - Jody Eisher & Joby Williams
- You can't miss this Sunday
- Volunteers of the Day - The Choate's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Schweikert's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Thompson's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warner's
- Volunteers of the Day - Angela Stewart & Darien St...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warta's
- And the winner is...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Jerkins

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