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Last Tuesday a film was released that I predict will be one of the next cult classics of this generation. The film is Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Like Juno and Twilight, the film has a PG-13 rating. But this is one PG-13 film that has me wondering what the MPAA is smoking.
Katie recently began serving in our Ignite youth ministry on Wednesday nights as a small group leader. She relates well to the girls and is always upbeat and fun. She juggles ministry and a full-time job. She is an incredible young person who is on-fire for God. Thank you Katie for answering God's call and worshipping Him through your amazing service! We are so glad you are a part of our team.
6 Pa. high school students busted after sharing nude photos via cell phones
In an unusual legal case arising from the increasingly popular practice known as “sexting,” six Pennsylvania high school students are facing child pornography charges after three teenage girls allegedly took nude or semi-nude photos of themselves and shared them with male classmates via their cell phones.The female students at Greensburg Salem High School in Greensburg, Pa., all 14- or 15-years-old, face charges of manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography while the boys, who are 16 and 17, face charges of possession, according to WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh, which published the story on its Web site on Tuesday....Read More
On Wednesday nights, Cliff and Val lead our Ignite youth ministry students through their worship. Then, on Sunday mornings, Cliff and Val serve in the Zone as our worship leaders during the large group time.
They are incredible worship leaders with a heart for kids and students. Cliff plays the guitar and Val accompanies him on vocals. They are a great team that seem to enjoy serving God in this unique and awesome way! We are so excited and grateful to have you guys as a part of the family ministry team. Thank you!
Everyone who has a child should know Gwen. She serves at our registration every week. She's the one who signs in your child and provides him/her with a name tag. She's always friendly, upbeat and faithful in her service - that's what makes her so good at what she does.
Bert serves faithfully every week too. He oversees the setup/tear down and other things to get our areas ready for Sunday worship. He is an amazing worker with a heart for God. And, he's also known at our church for being able to lift an incredible amount of weight - just watch him work on Sunday mornings!
Thank you Gwen & Bert for your faithful service and your love for God.
But...If you are receiving this via email haven't seen our new design, head on over to www.rscparents.com and let me know what you think. Also, if you have taken our poll, please do so before the end of the month.

Being a parent is one of life’s most challenging roles. I thought I knew it all before my wife and I had children of our own. Now that we have two teen daughters, I realize I know nothing about parenting. Actually, that’s a little overstated. I have learned a thing of two about parenting over the years. I’ve just learned a lot of it the hard way. The best parenting advice I’ve found comes from the Bible – specifically Deuteronomy 6. This passage provides a solid approach to parenting:
Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD Is One. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving to you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deut. 6:4-9).
Walking and Talking
Parents are intended to be the primary developers of their children. That means providing for your teen’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It also means using every opportunity that you can to talk with them about loving God.
Parents can’t be the primary spiritual developer of their kids without investing time in them. If biblical parenting involves teaching as you’re sitting, walking, lying down, and getting up, then parents and kids have to be together. If the Bible says teaching happens in the normal course of life, our course of life may need to be modified.
How Jesus Grew
Ever wonder what Jesus was like as a child and teen? Luke 2:52 gives us a glimpse. It also provides a great framework for our kids’ development. Based on this passage, here are the three areas in which we must help our children develop:
Favor with God: We want them to know God in a very real way. We want them to go beyond just knowing about Him to building a personal relationship with Him.
Wisdom and stature: We want our kids to own their faith. We want them to experience God in their everyday lives and recognize who they are in Christ.
Favor with man: We want our kids to make their faith known. One of the coolest things parents can experience is seeing their kids share Christ through the influence and relationships they build.
Step by Step
So what can you do to create a new normal as the primary spiritual developer of your kids? Here are some ideas:
Decide you will make your teen’s spiritual development your primary task. Seems basic, but unless you commit to this, it won’t happen.
Don’t try to be a super Christian. Just model that you know God, own your faith, and make your faith known.
Start small. Choose one day a week to eat dinner together and do a short devotional as a family. (LifeWay provides a free online devotional that is delivered by email twice a week. You can sign up to receive the Heart Connex Enews Devotional at www.lifeway.com/heartconnex.)
Pray for your kids every day. Pray that they will know God, own their faith, and make their faith known.
Be involved in your kids’ church activities. Don’t expect your youth ministry team to be the primary spiritual developer of your kid.
You will not create your new normal in a single day. The key is starting with a few actions that matter most – and being consistent. Let your kids hear you talk about God and what He is doing in your life. Let them hear you pray. Let them see and hear you share your story of His work in your life.
God has entrusted us enough to loan us our children and has also established a strong pattern for parenting in Deuteronomy 6. Accept His challenge. Help your kids know God, own their faith, and make their faith known. Future generations, including your grandchildren will be impacted by your children’s strong faith.
Paul Turner and his wife Sondra have two teen daughters, Shelbi and Morgan. In addition to his ministry to youth leaders across the country, Paul can usually be found training for a marathon.
She is ministering as a co-small group leader on Wednesday nights to 9th & 10th grade girls. She is also serving a Sunday per month in the Kids Klub Preschool class as a helper. Then, some months she gets up early and helps with the church set-up.
She is full of energy and zest for life. She is actively serving and inviting people to church. She has been an awesome addition to our team. She is much fun to be around and the kids and students adore her. Thank you Christina for all you've done and what is going to do through You this year!
Brian serves in a few different areas. He plays guitar in our worship band. We've seen him helping set-up and tear-down too. Recently, he started serving on Wednesday nights at Ignite. He is part of a team of small groups leaders. Last Wednesday, he talked with the entire Ignite group and shared how he led a friend to Christ. He has incredible energy and enthusiasm. He's also great with this age group of boys in helping them realize where God is in their lives.
Debby has been an incredible addition to our family ministry team. As a teacher in the Kids Klub Preschool class, she exhibits amazing patience, poise and preparedness. She loves the kids she serves. She works hard at knowing her lesson and making sure everyone gets something out of it. There is never a Sunday that goes by that the kids don't learn from Ms. Debby about how very much Jesus loves them.
As for George, he is truly Debby's helpmate. He can often be seen on Sunday mornings helping her carry her bags in to her class. But, Georges' service does not stop there, every Sunday he gets up early and helps set up the children's areas. He mops the floors, cleans tables and makes sure things get where they are needed. He also helps others carry things in too. George is an incredible help to us. If we need something, George is always willing to help in any way. He is extremely devoted to God and that shines through His service.
Thank you George & Debby for all you do. We notice the little things you give great detail to in your service and so does God.
Blessings to you from your RSC Family Ministry Team,
Heidi, Shelby, Lesley & Carrie
She serves as one of the teachers for our Kids Klub preschool class. In that class, she ministers to 3-5 year olds, as well as to the helpers serving alongside her. She is magnificent in this area. As a grandma, she has a patient, calm, fun and sometimes crazy side to things that the kids simply adore. She talks often to the children about how much Jesus loves them, reminding each one before they leave the room every week. Thank you Jody for serving our kids in this special way!
Our second volunteer of the day is Joby Williams. She has not only served in the family ministry area this past year but she is also the church ministry assistant. All this and she still finds time to get her college studying done.
Joby serves in the Kids Klub preschool class. To say the kids love her would be a true understatement. I mean, they really LOVE HER! In the morning when the kids greet her in the hall, she'll bend down to get on their level and get a high five or a big hug from them. Many of the kids can't wait to see "Ms. Joby." Her love for God is apparent in everything she does. Thank you Joby for all you do - both seen & unseen!
Well you can…but you don’t want to.
It’s 2009 and we want you to be prepared for the upcoming year with all the information that you can obtain in one setting. This Sunday Ignite student ministry will be having Ignite All Access, an informational meeting about the upcoming events for 2009. In this meeting you will get all the dates for every event, deadlines, when money is due and much more. One family will be given a FREE trip ($300 value) to our summer camp in July just for coming! Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email.
You can RSVP to shelby@rockspringschurch.com just so we will have enough food.
See You Sunday,
Shelby Craig
Student Minister
Julie decided a few months ago that she wanted to be a part of the family ministry team. She started in the Kids Klub preschool small group but has settled on helping in the toddler class. It is there where she plays with the kids, serves them drinks & snacks and teaches them about the love of Jesus. She's been an incredible addition to our team.
Chris has taken the initative to get involved in the setup team. So, each Sunday morning, he gets up really early to come and move things out of the trailer in to the school. Then, after service, he helps pick everything up in the school and move it back to the trailer. It seems like a tedious job but we could not minister to anyone if we didn't have somewhere to meet or someplace to sit so our effectiveness hinges on the setup team. Chris is a hard worker who goes about his serving area quietly but with much impact.
Chris & Julie...we are so glad that God placed you here. Thank you for getting involved and for all your hard work!
Connie serves as one of two teachers for the Zone K-1 grades class. After taking a break to try out the preschool class, Connie realized that this is definitely the age group God has called her to teach. She is awesome at it too. She's very patient with the kids, helpful when needed and nurturing. She is someone we can always count on.
Although Harry isn't officially on our schedule, he often serves as Connie's helper in the Zone K-1 grades class. He too enjoys the kids and the change of pace. He jumps in and helps Connie wherever she needs him on that day. That is a true servant's attitude - helping wherever needed the most.
Thank you Connie & Harry for all you do and for all that goes unnoticed!
Chelle is one of our Kids Klub toddler small group teachers. Every other week, she keeps things rolling in the toddler class. She is a great leader and excellent with this age group. The kids really love her.
Wes is a little newer than Chelle to the family ministry area. About a year or so ago, we needed some male teachers for our Zone boys 2-5 small group. We approached Wes and he said that he'd give it a try. He's still at it and is incredible with the boys. He comes prepared and willing to try new things.
Besides serving in the family ministry, Chelle also leads our mission team and Wes serves as an elder of our church. I know they help out in many other areas as well. They both have awesome servants' hearts. Thank you Wes & Chelle for all you do for God and for RSC!
Yvonne started in the Zone K-1 small group and now leads the Zone 2-5 girls small group every week of the month. Every time I peek in on the girls, they look like they are having fun just being with Ms. Yvonne. She is always very calm and patient. I've never seen her frazzled.
Brian brings a lot of energy and fun to the Zone boys 2-5 small group. He always thinks of cool and new things to do to incorporate the days' lesson. He too is very calm and patient with the boys.
In addition to serving in the family ministry, the Warner's along with their 3 kids often stay late on Sunday mornings to help with tear down. They always seem to have the "whatever it takes" attitude. Thank you Warner's for all your help & hard work!
The Winner is cat_eyes6969@yahoo.com
This person was the 10th person to register for our newsletter and picked up the January Virtue Pack!
Unfortunately, there weren't any more than 13 people to register so there were no further winners. We will do promotions like this in teh future, so be on the look out for your chance to pick up some cool prizes!
Carrie currently serves as our Kids Klub Coordinator. In that position, she handles most of what happens in the children's ministry classes for ages birth through preschool. She is a vital member of our family ministry team where she brings lots of creative ideas, spunk and loads of organization.
Phil serves in many areas of our church - set up team, media team, worship team and as one of our elders. Despite serving all those areas, he is Carrie's husband and is faithful to the Kids Klub area as well. He often fills in when we need him in the toddler or preschool class. Serving as a family is truly the name of the game for this couple and their 3 girls.
Thank you Carrie & Phil for all your hard work!
The Parent Avenue
Our Inspiration
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
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- Volunteer of the Day - Cassidy Derr
- Volunteer of the Day - Chad Christian
- Volunteers of the Day - Nina Wildes & Katie Gyalog
- Volunteers of the Day - Ted & Shelly Leaver
- Volunteers of the Day - The Holweger's
- Volunteer of the Day - Suzanne Bryles
- Volunteer of the Day - Jennifer Craig
- Volunteer of the Day - Michelle Reid
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warrick's
- 'Sexting': Do you know what's on your kids cell ph...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Moore's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Hodge's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Crye's
- New Year, New Look!
- Volunteer of the Day - Jennifer Phillips
- Volunteers of the Day - Karin Sporer & Mariah Sporer
- Volunteer of the Day - Linda Mabry
- Your Role as Your Teen’s Spiritual Mentor
- Volunteer of the Day - Rebecca Von Loewe
- A Poll for you!
- Volunteer of the Day - Christina Rodriguez
- Volunteer of the Day - Janet Knorp
- Volunteers of the Day - The Bloodworth's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Dillard's
- Happy Blog Birthday to us!
- Volunteer of the Day - Dorothy Cross
- Volunteers of the Day - Katlyn Krueger & Gwen McNeese
- Volunteers of the Day - Jody Eisher & Joby Williams
- You can't miss this Sunday
- Volunteers of the Day - The Choate's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Schweikert's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Thompson's
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warner's
- Volunteers of the Day - Angela Stewart & Darien St...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Warta's
- And the winner is...
- Volunteers of the Day - The Jerkins

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