This month, we revamped our Zone large group and are doing something different, sort of. The kids are still getting some great worship time with music and the day's Bible story. But, we have added the twist of using a DVD to tell the Bible story. The new QUEST DVD was just introduced to us from our curriculum provider and we thought we'd give it a try. In trying to reach a "media focused" generation of kids, the DVDs have been awesome! The kids watch and learn so fast. They know the story and often quote the DVD word-for-word after watching it only once. They also remember more details.
We won't be doing this every month. Lesley and will go back to the "old" way of doing things for October but we'll try to bring more of the DVD stories in to our large group over the course of the next few months. Ask your kids about it and get their input and post a comment below. We'd love to have feedback from them. If you want to check out what they are seeing, visit the ReThink group website. Click on the quicktime video in the middle of the page.