What's your "if only"? Every one of us has one, two or a hundred different scenarios in which we would do or say something differently. That e-mail we wish we would not have sent. That relationship that we should have avoided - or never began. We all have regrets, things we would do differently if given the chance. So if life inevitably brings those "if only" moments, how do we handle the regrets that haunt us? How can we turn the "if onlys" from our past decisions into something more, something that will help both us and others?
Here is a breakdown of the weekly sessions:
Session 1-9/3/08: Rewind - Bottom Line: Yesterdays regrets affect today.
Session 2-9/10/08: Haunted - Bottom Line: Freedom begins when we name our regrets.
Session 3-9/17/08: Redeem - Bottom Line: The regrets of yesterday can be redeemed for tomorrow.
Oooo, I think I need to come to youth group for the next couple of weeks!