Today's focus is on the virtue of friendship. Our pastor often says that "people aren't looking for a friendly church, they are looking for friends." Isn't that the truth? Many times in our life, we seek others to share with. We want to feel accepted by someone other than our family. Ultimately, Jesus is our forever friend. He provides friends for us for accountability, godly counsel, prayer and friendship. People will always let us down but Jesus NEVER will. Grab hold of Him today and thank Him for the friends He's provided for you here on earth. Here are some ideas for practicing "friendship" today:
-- Write down prayer concerns of your close friends in your new prayer journal and commit to praying for them daily.
-- Offer to do an unexpected favor for a close friend.
-- Think of one or two people who you would like to grow closer to and commit to nurturing those friendships this year.
-- Ask Jesus to be your forever friend today and let Him take control of your life!
A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help
in time of need. Proverbs 17:17