- What did you think of the baptisms that happened on Sunday?
- What were the questions that Pastor Chris asked each one being baptized?
- What does it mean to know Jesus as a personal Lord & Savior?
- Do you know what it means to make Jesus "your forever friend"?
- Do you know what sin is? How does God feel when we sin?
Your kids may and probably won't know all the answers to these questions but it will get them thinking. After the "small talk" with your child, pray with them and encourage them to continue seeking God in their life. Be diligent and watch for other opportunities to have these "small talks" with your child.
One last note, last week and this week, a small group of us have been learning how better to lead our kids and others to Jesus though a DVD curriculum. I hope to offer this training opportunity again the spring. If you'd like more information on this before then, email me or let me know. There is no time like the present to see your child come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6