On August 3, a brand new junior high ministry is launching on Sunday Mornings called FUEL. It is going to be during the normal worship time and will supplement my lessons from Wednesday Nights. The student will worship with their families and then be dismissed from the auditorium to a designated area just for them. It will meet the first three Sundays of every month breaking the fourth and occasional fifth Sunday to spend the whole time in worship with their families. I am so excited about the potential of this ministry and let me tell you why.
First, this ministry is going to be a small group setting just for the 6th-8th graders. It is exclusive to them to grow, learn, and encourage each other about the issues that are going on in each others lives.
Secondly, It is an opportunity for us to bridge the gap between children's ministry and student ministry. In the past, the baton has been dropped in this transition and we want to make sure that your student is introduced to Ignite Student Ministry in the right way. This class is taught by Nina Wildes, (she has been teaching in children ministry for many years now) and by myself, Shelby Craig. With both of us tag-teaming, it will give them a taste of what they are use to and a flavor of what lies ahead. This will ease them into the ministry with full support from both of us.
Let me say that this is not a substitute for Wednesday night but an opportunity to dig deeper. It is a chance for your student to fully grow in the Lord in a personal way. 6th-8th grade is a foudational time in the lives of students. It will mold thier teenage years for the good or the not-so-good. I encourage you to be in prayer about this ministry and the leadership behind it. I look forward to seeing you August 3rd as we FUEL the next generation!
Press On,
Shelby Craig
Student Minister